The BC847BLT1G is an NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) designed for general-purpose switching and amplification applications. Manufactured by ON Semiconductor, this small-signal transistor is widely used in low-power circuits. Here are its key features:
- Type:
- NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT).
- Voltage and Current Ratings:
- Collector-Emitter Voltage (Vce): 45V.
- Collector Current (Ic): 100 mA, suitable for low-power applications.
- Gain:
- High current gain (hFE) ranging from 110 to 800, allowing efficient amplification in small-signal circuits.
- Power Dissipation:
- Maximum power dissipation of 250 mW, making it appropriate for low-power designs.
- Package:
- Available in a compact SOT-23 surface-mount package, ideal for space-constrained designs in consumer and industrial electronics.
- Applications:
- Commonly used for switching and signal amplification in low-power applications, including audio amplifiers, signal processing, and digital switching circuits.
- Switching Speed:
- Fast switching capability, making it suitable for high-speed signal processing and digital logic circuits.
- Operating Temperature Range:
- Operates in a wide temperature range from -55°C to +150°C, ensuring reliability in various environments.
The BC847BLT1G is a versatile, low-power NPN transistor, commonly used in general-purpose electronic circuits for switching and amplification tasks in compact devices.